Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Accept Insurance?
On Your Voice LLC Services are PRIVATE PAY ONLY. We do not accept insurance at this time and are considered "out of network" with insurance companies. If you would like to seek reimbursement from your insurance company, a Superbill can be proved upon request. Not all insurance carriers will reimburse for "out of network" services, so it is important to talk with your insurance provider prior to beginning services.
How do I pay?
Clients and students will be responsible to pay at the time of services. We accept all major credit cards. We will send you an invoice via email at the time of booking.
Do I need a doctor's referral to see you for therapy?
You can self-refer to a speech pathologist, which means you don't need a doctor's referral to book an appointment. However, check to see whether your supplemental insurance company requires a doctor's referral before you can submit receipts for reimbursement.
Late/No Show Policy
On Your Voice LLC reserves the right to discontinue therapy services or lessons if you are late for 4 scheduled appointments in 30 days or 2 "no show" appointments in 30 days.
Cancellation Policy
Attendance and participation along with complete compliance with any associated home programs, are essential for success.
While On Your Voice, LLC understands that illnesses and emergencies occur, we respectfully request that you avoid frequent cancellations or “no shows”. Please adhere to our following policy regarding providing our office with advance notification for any cancellations resulting from a conflicting appointment, vacation, obligations for work or family, or any other event.
All cancellations must be submitted 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.
☐ The full price of the session may be assessed if the following occurs. This fee will be billed directly to the client.
If cancellations are made less than the required 24 hours.
If the client fails to show up for a scheduled appointment.
☐ If you reschedule / are late for 4 scheduled appointments within 30 days, the office will reserve the right to discharge the client. Additionally, if you arrive late for a scheduled appointment, the session will still end at the scheduled time or may be cancelled.
☐ If you fail to appear for an appointment (no show) without providing the appropriate advance notification for 2 or more appointments within 30 days, the office will reserve the right to cancel all pending appointments and to no longer offer services to you as a client.
How long are treatment sessions?
For teletherapy services, an initial evaulation is 90 min long.
A telethrapy session is 60 min long.
Singing lessons can be either 30 min or an hour in length.
Free consults are 15 min